Over 0 Teaching & Non Teaching Staff!

Kwara State University

Oluremi Awogbade

Designation: Associate Professor
My Publications
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Methodological Issues in Dance.

It would be possible to attend an educational conference on quality and higher standard in teaching learning and never hear the word ‘art’ mentioned. Educators may ask whether and how art or the aesthetics contribute to learning. Art is the foundation to all learning as it is known that, no school subject exists without the arts, be it science or technology. However, a comprehensive, well designed approach to curriculum and teaching methodology is fundamental to effective learning in the field of art education. Ideal curriculum and qualitative teaching is of paramount concern. This paper examines the pedagogical issues in dance as an art subject that promotes other disciplines in school and enhances an array of learning outcomes. It also reviews the philosophies of art as held and postulated by various concerned persons in the like of Dewey, Vygotsky, Bruner and others which are seen to be strongly interrelated. The approach adopted for this study is descriptive method. This paper concludes by emphasizing the importance of qualitative teaching methods and approaches to teaching of arts in general and music in particular. As man and his society changes, the methods and approaches to teaching arts and artistic pedagogy also changes. Key Words: Arts, Music, Pedagogy, Learning and Qualitative.
Total Publications : 26