Over 0 Teaching & Non Teaching Staff!

Kwara State University

Oluremi Awogbade

Designation: Associate Professor
My Publications
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Building Creative Arts Education Pedagogy

Art is the foundation to all learning as it is known that, no school subject exists without the art, be it science or technology. However, comprehensive, well designed approach creative art pedagogy is fundamental to effective learning in the field of art education. Ideal curriculum and qualitative teaching is of paramount concern. This paper addresses building creative art education pedagogy. It also reviews the importance of art teachers; qualities of good art teachers; programmes for art teachers in training; challenges of pedagogy in art education. The approach adopted for this study is descriptive method. This paper concludes by emphasizing the importance of continue needs to prepare excellent art teachers, and suggests proper art programmes for teachers in training. Keywords: Arts, Music, Pedagogy, Learning and Qualitative.
Total Publications : 26