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Kwara State University

Oluremi Awogbade

Designation: Associate Professor
My Publications
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Gender Difference and Preferred Content in Children’s Drawing among Primary School Children in Yola, Adamawa State.

This study was aimed at finding out the artistic expression and preferred content into gender related socialization in the early years of children drawings, and to find out the differences between the drawings of boys and girls. A total number of six hundred (600) children’s art expressions (drawings) were used for the study and the instruments used for collecting the data were a drawing test, and observation guide. A drawing test was given to the children to draw anything of their choice; the test was used to identify the differences in the drawings of boys and girls. The result of the major findings revealed that the children tried to express themselves using available materials provided for them. The children’s performance in art expression with specific reference to gender shows that the male children appear to have stronger art expression based on their overall performance. It was also found that generally, humans and the environment appear less important to boys, as the boys have been found to prefer to document figures in imaginary episodes of conflict, fantasy and action with warriors, monsters, armies and machines. Boys drawing content reflects a socialized interest in fantasy and violence that extends beyond their everyday life experience, whereas girl’s drawing content appears to be more realistic and relates to their everyday experience. It was recommended that equal opportunities should be given to children irrespective of their gender, therefore gender mainstreaming in the planning of art teaching and class management could be useful. Art teacher’s should expect children’s art expression to vary in terms of subject matter, media and technique or style of drawing according to age and mental capacities. Keywords: Gender, Scribble Stage, Pre-Schematic Stage, Schematic Stage, and Gang Stage.
Total Publications : 26