Over 0 Teaching & Non Teaching Staff!

Kwara State University

Stephen Afolabi

Designation: Associate Professor/Lecturer
Department: Education Management
My Publications
S/N Title Abstract Authors Volume Numbers Publication Type Publication Date Link

Poverty Alleviation of Teachers:A Tool for Effective Universal Basic Education Scheme in Nigeria

For any policy on education to achieve its basic objective, attention must be paid to teachers' welfare since no education can rise above the quality of ifs teacher. The crux of this paper is how teacher poverty can be alleviated with a view to achieving Universal Basic Education in Nigeria. The paper unveiled the poverty status of teachers in Nigeria and some West African countries. It equally showed that the poverty status of the teachers is manifested in the continued struggle for a better condition of service over the years. However, the paper considered the roles played by National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategies (NEEDS) and Millennium Development Goals (MDGS) which are United Nation's initiatives in the year 2000. T-test statistics was used to determine the earning differential of ten randomly selected teachers with Ph.D and medical doctors in Kwara State. The paper, therefore, suggested strict adherence to UNESCO Standard of fixing teachers' salaries and allowances, Parity in salary structure of teachers at all levels of education and across all professions depending on qualifications possessed periodic review of teachers' salaries and establishment of a new national teachers taskforce.
Total Publications : 29