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Kwara State University

Morenike Folabalogun

Designation: Lecturer II
My Publications
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The Negative Effects of Eurocentrism on Yoruba Culture:A Case Study of Yoruba Costume.

THE EFFECTS OF EUROCENTRISM ON YORUBA CULTURE: A CASE STUDY OF YORUBA COSTUME Abstract Yoruba people are great dressers and are expressive culturally, before the 21st century the Yoruba people relied solely on their traditional costumes for both male and female with varieties of female head gears and male caps for its day to day events. In the 21st century the traditional Yoruba costumes are giving way to modernized and alternated versions when it is even worn. This study therefore investigated the effects of Eurocentrism on Yoruba traditional costumes and its artistic qualities. The study’s scope is narrowed down to Yoruba ethnic group in Nigeria. Methodology adopted for this write up is qualitative which includes; non-participant observation, oral interview, relics, historical, literary texts, Internet resources and oral tradition. Recommendations was given that can promote the traditional Yoruba costumes and preserve the culture for posterity. Part of the findings from people interviewed establishes the fact that, the costumes are not formal or modern enough for some occasions amongst others. Some of the recommendations proffered by the authors include the following amongst others that, Yoruba costumes can be simplified for lectures or other formal occasions, by avoiding elaborate head ties or caps as occasion demands. Yoruba costumes should be worn for all occasions. A day in the week should be declared costume day in Nigeria to promote culture. Keywords: Costume, Culture, Eurocentrism, Traditional, Yoruba.
Total Publications : 11