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Kwara State University

Morenike Folabalogun

Designation: Lecturer II
My Publications
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Visual Arts Professionalism and practice:The Context of Copyright and Creative Authorship

Abstract The writer dares to say that the issues of Copyright Act in Nigeria is still not so effective as it should be, and a lot of artists still suffer either because they are not aware of corporeal laws governing issues pertaining to visual arts as an important aspect of expression, or because they lack confidence in the system. Artists’ works are being plagiarized and offenders have not been prosecuted in most cases in Nigeria. The twenty first century ushered in creativity, dramatic individualistic expressions, great imagination of artistic qualities and fantasy. The exposure and access to the use of the internet affected the global world business transactions, Nigeria inclusive. The problem of get-rich-quick syndrome concerning artists and the incursion of internet technology amongst others also affected the corporeal laws and registration of visual artworks. Many visual artists seem not even aware of expiration dates for the genre of their works, however, this is another issue altogether. This paper examines specifically the aims of the Copyright Act, and some rules guiding visual artists in their professional transactions and expiration dates for visual art works. The methodology used in this write up is qualitative; through exploring literary texts, observation and internet resources. The corporeal organization must endeavour to upgrade their data base and expunge outdated laws to meet up with the demand and challenges of the 21st century. Word counts: 227 Keywords: Arts, Copyright, Internet, Law, Visual
Total Publications : 11