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Kwara State University

Oluremi Awogbade

Designation: Associate Professor
My Publications
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Industrial Design and Technological Development

Artistic standards are difficult to define or assess. Though several criteria might be applied, the most important is the degree of satisfaction derived by the artist through his artistic expression. Art, concerned as it is with creative experience, develops visual imagination, stimulates originality and confidence in self-expression. It is a skill used in expressing oneself. It could be in form of ''fine and applied or useful art''. Useful are those that produce objects for everybody's use, while the fine or decorative arts are those that produce objects for their aesthetic purpose. Schools offers liberal art courses on topics like history and philosophy and applied art courses in such subjects as architecture and technical drawing. Teachers use the term language art to mean the related skills of reading, writing, speaking and novel or composing songs. Sykes (1976), defines art as human skill applied to design as in painting, architecture, writing etc. He states that art is a practical application of any science, industrial pursuit or craft. For the purpose of this paper, art will be looked at in terms of man's creative ability that results in functional production of goods and services.
Total Publications : 26