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Kwara State University

Oluremi Awogbade

Designation: Associate Professor
My Publications
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Traditional Leather Craft in Northern Nigeria: Implication for Socio-Economic Development

Nigerian handcraft represents perhaps the oldest tradition of living culture. The continuity of the traditional crafts offers creative expression of his inner self. Almost all villages have their own craftmen who work on different medium. The diversity of Nigerian culture tradition is reflected in the traditional craft. Leather craft is practiced in all parts of Nigeria but the degrees vary according to the availability of raw material. Most of the animals from which the hides and skins are obtained are mostly found in the northern states. Leather work becomes a widely practiced craft in the northern states because of the abundant supplies of cattle’s hides and goat and sheep skin. Northern culture is founded on the horse and this had probably helped to carry the craft to greater heights. The availability of easily workable fine leather gave rise to hand-made leather industries in the northern states. They use the hides and skin of animals as clothes, mats, bags and containers for carriage; shoes and slippers. Thus, leather craft became a spontaneous creative activity among the nomadic people. This paper however attempts to give a historical documentation of the traditional craft of the northern people and its contribution to socio-economic development in Northern Nigeria.
Total Publications : 26