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Kwara State University


Designation: LECTURER 1
Department: Accounting and Finance
My Publications
S/N Title Abstract Authors Volume Numbers Publication Type Publication Date Link

Commodity Derivatives Market Development: Imperative for Effective Economic Performance in Nigeria

Barely a decade ago, Nigerian government indicated interest to operate credible commodity and derivatives market in Nigeria. This is sequel to her inauguration of spot market segment in the Abuja Securities and Commodities Exchange (ASCE) in 2006. But since this period, research effort on the basic rationale for the derivatives and risk asset arm of the market is lacking. Besides evidence on how this segment on the market can be consolidated into a fully efficient and credible standard capable of competing favorably across the globe is still insufficient. This article is a piece of contribution to filling this gap, specifically the paper appraised extant research effort comparing the operating modalities of the Exchange with global standards conditionalities for efficient commodities derivatives market. It also received basic limitations to the development of credible commodity derivatives market in Nigeria. Lastly, it buttressed the expected roles of identified major stakeholders towards ensuring the development of viable commodity risk asset and derivatives market for Nigeria to boost economic development KEYWORDS: Risk Asset Management, Commodity Exchange, Derivatives, Hedging
Total Publications : 25