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Kwara State University

Sikiru Abdulraman

Designation: Senior Lecturer
Department: Material Science and Engineering
My Publications
S/N Title Abstract Authors Volume Numbers Publication Type Publication Date Link

Investigation of Some Physical and Strength Properties of Clay and Weathered Bedrock for Production of Hydraform Bricks.

Clay and weathered bedrock samples at Ilorin, Kwara state, Nigeria have been investigated as alternative earth materials for the production of hydraform bricks. Varying mixes of clay and weathered bedrock samples were evaluated and their physical and chemical properties determined. The compressive strength of the bricks made from different mixes were determined using Hydraform Block Tester. The result of the investigation showed that a 50:50 mix ratio of clay and weathered bedrock samples gave hydraform bricks of highest strength averaging 4.4 MPa which makes it better and stronger hydraform blocks than the ones produced from laterite which is 2.90MPa. The mix ratio also has a medium absorption rate of 6.25% which falls within ASTM standard and which is quite adequate for construction works application.
Total Publications : 29