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Kwara State University

Sikiru Abdulraman

Designation: Senior Lecturer
Department: Material Science and Engineering
My Publications
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Important Technical Considerations in the Development of Bankable Documents for Quarry Operations

Today’s quarry operations are characterized by high capital expenditure, low product price and high operating costs including energy costs (diesel cost). Consequently, when deciding on quarry investment, there is little room for inefficiency in quarry design and production scheduling and, consequently, in the estimates of the quarry project’s value. A doubtful and badly implemented quarry evaluation process could wrongly classify a non-profitable venture as being profitable with appreciable probability, and vice versa. And the consequence of a badly implemented quarry investment evaluation process has economic implications to both the promoters and stake holders of the project with financial institution (BOI) inclusive. Many quarries financed by Nigerian banks record poor performances due to the technical flaws inherent in the so called Bankable Feasibility study reports submitted during the Loan Application process. This paper suggests the need to engage competent hands (Mining Engineers/Mining Consultants) to carry out technical due diligence on every mining project funding or loan applications to guarantee effective and efficient funding of mining projects and justify BOI’s contribution to nation’s minerals industry. Also, engage team of engineers to monitor the performance of the quarry throughout the loan period. So as to ensure that the quarry run optimally to guarantee quick pay back and return on investment.
Total Publications : 29