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Kwara State University

Tajudeen Lawal

Designation: LECTURER II/Mr
Department: Accounting and Finance
My Publications
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Outsourcing of internal auditing services and performance of organisations in Nigeria: A Conceptual Approach.

The spate of corporate collapses and financial scandals has resulted in an increased focus on internal auditing as an important consideration for organisation. The basic role of internal auditing is to help management achieve company goals. It also provides assurance that management has implemented a satisfactory internal control system toprevent risks. It is observed that sourcing of internal auditing services internally always leads to to lack of independence by the staffs that provide theses services since they are employees of the entity and under the control of the management. In addition to that, the external auditors find it difficult to place reliance on the work performed by the internal auditor. This study examines outsourcing of audit functions and performance of organisations in Nigeria by reviewing some selected studies from within and outside Nigeria. The objective of the study is to conduct a conceptual review (to determine how outsourcing of internal audit function affects performance of organisations in Nigeria based on the findings) of previous studies. This paper discovered from previous studies that outsourcing of internal audit functions is the remedy to to efficiency, cost savings and reliability of internal audit services in every organisation. This study is of the opinion that more researches should be conducted on the topic in Nigeria and that organistions in Nigeria should key into outsourcing of their internal audit functions as this brings about cost savings, reliability of records as well as independent opinion. Keywords; Internal Audit, Internal Auditors, Outsourcing, Performance.
Total Publications : 14