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Kwara State University


Designation: Associate Professor
Department: Crop Production
My Publications
S/N Title Abstract Authors Volume Numbers Publication Type Publication Date Link

Growth and Yield of Celosia Argentea (L) as Influenced by Mineral Fertilizer and Composted Organic Residues in Ilorin Southern Guinea Savanna Zone of Nigeria.

Crop residue is an organic material abundant in Nigeria, but which is yet to be utilized for soil improvement purposes particularly in raising Celosia argentea􀒼 Hence, a screen house experiment was conducted in Kwara State University, Malete, Nigeria to assess the direct and residual e􀐊ect of di􀐊erent composted organic residues on the growth and yield of Celosia argentea, seven treatments were used, including the control, NPK 15-15-15 and five di􀐊erently composted organic residues namely; Poultry manure+Gliricidia+Mucuna husk (PGM), Poultry manure+Gliricidia (PG), Poultry manure+Gliricidia+Rice straw (PGR), Poultry manure + Mucuna husk (PM) and Poultry manure +Vetiver grass (PV). 􀐇e treatments except control were applied at 45 kgN/ha. 􀐇e experiment was a Completely Randomized Design with three replicates. Growth and yield parameters were taken and data were analyzed using ANOVA (p <0.05).􀐇e results indicated all composted organic residues significantly enhanced the growth and yield of Celosia􀒼 However, residual e􀐊ect of Celosia fresh shoot yield values obtained from PGM (3.7g) was significantly (p <0.05) higher than that of NPK values (1.2g).􀐇erefore, PGM could be used as alternative to mineral fertilizer in raising Celosia argentea, thereby enhancing better waste management
Total Publications : 28