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Kwara State University

Sikiru Abdulraman

Designation: Senior Lecturer
Department: Material Science and Engineering
My Publications
S/N Title Abstract Authors Volume Numbers Publication Type Publication Date Link

Provenance and Weathering History of Clays from Share-Tshonga Area, Northern Bida Basin, Nigeria

The claystone member of Enagi Formation exposed around Share-Tshonga, northern Bida Basin, central Nigeria was studied to unravel the provenance, paleoweathering and paleoenvironmental conditions using XRF and ICP-MS. Major oxides show enrichment in SiO (60.27-79.87%), relative to Al O (3.10-27.38 %), Fe O (0.98-22.85%), CaO 2 2 3 2 3 (0.01-0.03%), Na O (0.01-0.03%), K O (0.05-0.84%), MnO (0.01-0.15%), TiO (0.21-2.09%) and P O (0.05-0.84%). 2 2 2 2 5 The high SiO /Al O (2.20 to 22.76) with mean of 8.73 suggests higher detritus input in continental environment. 2 2 3 Certain proxy trace elements such as Cr (64.80ppm), Th (17.42ppm) and Zr (528.80ppm) are enriched in the claystone compared to published PAAS (38.20ppm, 14.62ppm and 210.00ppm respectively) and UCC (31.00ppm, 10.70ppm and 190.00ppm respectively) data but depleted in Cu (7.03ppm), Zn (8.00ppm), Rb (12.05ppm), Sr (38.63ppm) and Ba (132.40ppm) compared to published PAAS (50.00, 85.00, 160.00, 200.00 and 650.00 respectively)ppm and UCC (25.00, 71.00, 112.00, 350.00 and 550.00 respectively)ppm. The LREE (250.15ppm) enrichment relative to HREE (23.49ppm) with (La/Yb) of 9.67 to 11.98, negative Europium (Eu/Eu*) anomaly N (0.54-0.63) and (Ce/Ce*) anomaly (0.83-1.49) suggest felsic provenance. The mean values of Al O /TiO (13.17), 2 3 2 K O/Al O (0.02), LREE/HREE (10.65) coupled with discriminant plots of logK O/Na O versus SiO , TiO versus Zr, 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 La/Th versus Hf support dominant felsic source within passive margin tectonic settings. The ranges and mean ratio values of Cu/Zn, V/Cr and U/Th indicate oxic, semi-humid to humid climatic settings.
Total Publications : 29