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Kwara State University

Sikiru Abdulraman

Designation: Senior Lecturer
Department: Material Science and Engineering
My Publications
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Characterization of a feldspar mineral from Adogo, Ajaokuta deposit

This study considered the suitability of Adogo feldspar deposit in Kogi State, Nigeria for glass and ceramic production. The feldspar's sample was characterised through analysis of its physical, chemical and mineralogical properties. The results of the physical analysis showed that the mineral has a bulk density of 1.3551 g/cm3 and tapped density of 1.5209 g/cm3, which was used to determine the compressibility index and Hausner ratio. The index shows that the powdered mineral has a good flow character. The result also revealed that the mineral has a very low percentage of moisture content (1.75%) and clay content of 2.9%. Meanwhile, the chemical analysis showed that the feldspar mineral has dominant elements of Silicon (70%) and Aluminium (20%), with 73% and 23% oxides of silicon and aluminium respectively, negligible values of other elements and oxides in the feldspar. The mineralogical analysis revealed that the feldspar deposit was of low-grade soda feldspar, while the phases present showed that the mineral was a low-grade feldspar Albite Feldspar. Though, the physical and chemical properties of the feldspar revealed the potential of the feldspar as a suitable raw material in ceramics and glass industry but further beneficiation was needed to meet suitability for the production of ceramic and glass.
Total Publications : 29