Bee propolis as protectant of stored grains against insect pests’ damage in Kwara State, Nigeria


  • Adeyemi Mufutau Ajao Kwara State University, Malete Author
  • James Adebayo Ojo Kwara State University, Malete Author
  • Julius Akolawole Bamidele Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta Author
  • Yussuf Uthman Oladimeji Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria Author


Stored grains, bee propolis, insect pests, protectant, botanical insecticides


The importance and widespread use of stored grains is potentially negated by insect pests and lack of efficient and environment friendly control methods. In this study we explored the use of propolis extracts as protectant of grains against damage caused by Sitophilus zeamais and Callosobruchus maculatus. Bee propolis collected from beehives was diluted with ethanol to obtain 0%, 10%, 30%, 50% and 100% concentrations. 5ml each of the concentrations of propolis extract was applied to 100 g each of maize and cowpea grains infested with 10 pairs of tenera maize weevil and cowpea weevil respectively in 250 cm3 kilner jar and left for 35 days. Each treatment was replicated four times and arranged in the laboratory using completely randomised design. Data were collected on percentage grain damage, weight loss and insect mortality. Bee propolis extract significantly reduced (P < 0.05) grain weight loss and damage, and enhanced insect mortality. The effectiveness of propolis extract was concentration-dependent. The phytochemical analysis of Apis mellifera propolis showed the presence of compound like phenol, flavonoid and tannin. Propolis extract application could be incorporated into integrated pest management (IPM) practices. 






Pure & Applied Sciences

How to Cite

Ajao, A. M., Ojo, J. A., Bamidele, J. A., & Oladimeji, Y. U. (2024). Bee propolis as protectant of stored grains against insect pests’ damage in Kwara State, Nigeria. Technoscience Journal for Community Development in Africa, 1(1), 103–108.