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The study examined the level of adoption of improved rice processing technologies among rice processors in Kwara State, North central, Nigeria. A structured questionnaire was used to elicit information from 182 rice processors randomly selected from the list of 600 registered rice processors under the Kwara State Agricultural Development Project. Collected data were analysed using descriptive statistics, binary logistic regression, sigma scoring method and Likert rating scale. Results showed that females (81%) were more engaged in rice processing. The modal age group of rice processors was 41-50 years (48%) with mean age of 43 years. About 66% of the respondents were educated at various levels of formal education with an average schooling year of 9 years. The average processing experience was 16 years. The average quantity of rice processed monthly was found to be 6229kg. There was high awareness and adoption level of improved rice processing technologies among the respondents. However, there was a low level of technical knowledge and operating skills amongst them. Furthermore, results showed that the age of farmers and technical knowledge of rice processing technologies had a positive statistical relationship with adoption (p<0.05). Also, the high cost of processing equipment and machine, and inadequate technical know-how on processing technologies were major constraints to adoption. It was recommended that government and non- governmental organizations should conduct training on the use, operations and technical skills on improved rice processing technologies targeted at rice processors. This could be done using group dynamics platforms like cooperatives. Keywords: Adoption, Improved Rice, Rice Processing Technologies & Kwara State | O. J. Yusuf *1, T. S. Olowogbon 2 and H. I. Olowogbon 3 | Vol. 19, | National | 2021-12-02 | |