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Kwara State University

Olayinka Yusuf

Designation: Senior Lecturer
Department: Agricultural Economics and Extension Services
My Publications
S/N Title Abstract Authors Volume Numbers Publication Type Publication Date Link

Binomial-Logit-Estimation-of-Factors-Influencing-Participation-in- Community-and-Social-Development-Projects-CSDPs-in-Kwara-State- Nigeria

The study identified factors influencing participation in the community and social development projects in Kwara State, Nigeria. Multistage sampling procedure was used to select 120 respondents sampled for the study. Data were collected with interview schedule and descriptive statistics, such as frequency, percentages and mean were used to summarize the data while binary logistic regression was used for inferential deductions. The results show that the mean age of the participants was 42.28 years with male (70.8%) dominating participation. About 42% of the participants completed both tertiary and secondary education with an average monthly income of N 28,300. The binomial logit regression results showed that education (odds ratio =12.32), average annual income (odds ratio =12.39), as well as number of hours spent on previous projects (odds ratio =1.048) significantly influenced participation in the CSDPs at p<0.05. The findings have implications for successful community development interventions, in that participants' education, annual income and number of hours spent on previous projects may be leveraged on to enhance community members' participation in these interventions. Keywords: Participation; Community and Social Development Project; logistic regression; odds ratio; development projects
Total Publications : 40