Over 0 Teaching & Non Teaching Staff!

Kwara State University

Ngozi Nwabufo

Designation: Associate Professor
Department: Business Education
My Publications
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The study was concerned with determining the level of importance of technological innovations in the banking industry. The population of the study was made up of 1684 bank customers. The data generated for the study by means of questionnaire were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, t-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA) Results of the study showed that bank customers accepted as important the technological innovations relating to internet-banking services/facilities, point of sale terminal services/facilities, and Tele-banking services/facilities. Two hypotheses were formulated among which include; there is no significant difference in the mean of response among the Male and Female bank customers regarding the level of importance of point of Sale terminal services/facilities. The study found among others that male and female bank customers do not differ significantly on the level of importance as regards point of sale terminal service/facilities, Aiso the bank customers in the three Local Government Areas of llorin (llorin East, West and South) do not differ significantly in their perception on the level of importance regarding the items relating to Tele banking service/facilities, it was recommended among others that the benefits of the technological innovations in the banking industry should be made known to bank customers and the general public so as to inspire their high adoption of these technologies.
Total Publications : 33