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Kwara State University


Department: Religions, History and Heritage Studies
My Publications
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Towards Effective Reconciliatory Roles by Muslim Organization Lesson from the Sulhu Committee of the JNI.

At the time of advent of Islam entire Arabia presented a scene of battle-field and was burning in the fire of mischief and disturbance, people of that peninsula had always been at a logger heads with one another and their hearts were filled with acute rancour. However, Islam declared their mutual love to be a part of the basic articles of it programme. The holy prophet recited the following verse before them “the believers are a band of brothers, make peace among your brothers and fear Allah, so that you may be shown mercy in order to root out rancour and enmity Islam ordains” establish peace and tranquillity between your brethren in faith therefore it is pertinent for reconciliation roles among the Muslims and other religion is necessary. Methodology relied solely on biographic appraisal of such studies that are related to this study. The paper look at the historical background of Jama’at Nasrul Islam briefly follows by how the organization exhibited Sulhu Committee among the Muslims with the table show number of cases deciding ranging from inheritance, land matters, child custody and child abuse, juvenile cases, social problem (i.e. public disturbance) and religions crisis that could have disturbed public peace in the states. The paper concludes by making few recommendations to Muslim and Non-Muslim organization in Nigeria to follow sample of the Jama’at Nasrul Islam.
Total Publications : 17