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Kwara State University

Wasiu Awoyale

Designation: L1
Department: Food Science and Technology
My Publications
S/N Title Abstract Authors Volume Numbers Publication Type Publication Date Link

Achievement of CFC-WA in Cassava Value Chain Development in Nigeria

The Common Funds for Commodities sponsored Cassava Value Chain Development Project selected one small-medium enterprise factory and two micro processing sites in Nigeria to provide enabling environment for increased productivity and enhanced livelihood. This was done through the introduction and distribution of high yielding cassava varieties to clusters of 130 individual farmers, provision of modern processing equipments/machines as well as training and re-training of processors and other key stakeholders at the centres at different capacities; machine operators on equipment operation and maintenance, processors on high quality products and business plans. On output, there was an overall increase of cassava yields from 7-9 t/ha to 13-18 t/ha thus increasing the total yield per hectare of cassava and making the farmers benefit qualitatively and quantitatively from the improved varieties. This has also increased the production capacity of the factories with a record of 800tons/annum at the start of the project to 3500tons/annum for gari and 3tons/annum at the start to 70tones/annum for fufu flour. These two products were registered with the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control thus making the products more marketable nationally and internationally. The project in Nigeria has successfully demonstrated the possibility of increasing rural household livelihood assets for improved and productive live. The beneficiaries have been able to increase assets especially financial, physical and social, which can be sustainable and adequate to reduce vulnerability in the context of structure, economic and seasonal stress by creating enabling environment for broader livelihood options.
Total Publications : 66