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Kwara State University

Wasiu Awoyale

Designation: L1
Department: Food Science and Technology
My Publications
S/N Title Abstract Authors Volume Numbers Publication Type Publication Date Link

Value Addition to a Nigerian Traditional Cassava-Based Product (Fufu): Contribution of CFC-WA/IITA

Cassava value chain development project added value to a traditional cassava based product, fufu in its pilot small-medium enterprise (SME) plant in Nigeria, to diversify from poorly patronized high quality cassava flour (HQCF). The popular fufu dough was processed into instant flour for increased and easier consumption especially in the urban setting. Fufu with its typical long drudge processing technique, unappealing odour, sold in wet form and short shelf life was upgraded into high quality odourless instant flour through the aerodynamic principle of flash drying, following strict adherence to standard operating procedures and good manufacturing practices provided by the project. The branded product was packed in a hermetically sealed high-density polyethylene bag, subjected to and passed series of market tests for consumer acceptability. It was also registered with the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) to boost local and international markets. The product was linked up for markets with corporate bodies (hotels, eateries, restaurant, prisons, etc) and also introduced to super and open markets, the experience of which was appreciable in term of demand. The value added to the product has not just increased food product diversification in Nigeria but also created jobs and increase income of both direct and indirect beneficiaries of the project with, demonstrated possibility of replicating the plant model in future, for developmental purposes.
Total Publications : 66