Indigenous Institutions and Sustainability of African Traditional Communities for Global Competitiveness


  • Adeniyi Oluwole Meleki University of Ilorin, Ilorin Author
  • Osaji Olasupo Jacob University of Ilorin. Ilorin Author


Indigenous Institutions, Sustainability, African Traditional Communities, Global Competitiveness, Development


In spite of a modern national political organizational system, the majority of the people in Africa especially in most parts of rural areas are still organized around their indigenous institutions for carrying out the activities that are important for their development and well-being. In fact, civil society in rural Africa is embedded within their indigenous institutions, philosophy and systems. These institutions are key to the organization of people at the rural level for their political and socio-economic development. These institutions have however been largely ignored by both colonial and post-colonial governments in the development equation in Africa in favour of western-framed institutions. In spite of all the good attributes that can be accorded western-styled institutions, they do not capture the worldviews and wellbeing aspirations of rural communities. This paper argues that western-oriented institutions are exclusionary and leave out the bulk of Africa’s human resources (indigenous institutions) in the development process. This situation is an important contributing factor to the demise of Africa's development. This paper seeks to demonstrate the existence and efficacy of indigenous institutions in Africa that could form the basis for organizing rural communities to lead Africa’s development process globally. It places the value of indigenous institutions within the context of endogenous development and describes indigenous institutions in Nigeria and their contributions to community development in the country. It concludes by giving some policy directions on an endogenous approach to development in Africa that is premised on mobilizing, revitalizing and re-valorizing Africa's indigenous Institutions as the boon for engagement with the global village.







How to Cite

Meleki, Adeniyi Oluwole, and Osaji Olasupo Jacob. 2017. “Indigenous Institutions and Sustainability of African Traditional Communities for Global Competitiveness”. KWASU Journal of Religious Studies 1 (2): 67-81.