About the Journal


A Publication of the Department of Arabic and French, Kwara State University, Malete, Nigeria

Aim and Scope

The Journal of Discourse in Language and Literature (JODILL) is a unique and rigorously anonymous peer-reviewed journal of the Department of Arabic and French of the Kwara State University. It is an open access publication that provides a platform for scholars and researchers in the field of language and literature from around the globe for critical engagement in discourse analysis, literary discourse, language & identity, language & culture, literary effects, critical theory, interdisciplinary approach, socialization, applied linguistics, pragmatics, stylistics, historical comparative studies, etc.

Frequency of Publication

The journal is published twice in a year (bi-annual) in June and December every year by the Department of Arabic and French, Kwara State University, Malete, Nigeria

Editorial Policy

The Editorial Board of JODILL accepts manuscripts in Arabic, English and French languages that are original and have not been published previously or presented for consideration elsewhere. Manuscripts are also accepted based on their relevance to the scope of the journal and contribution to knowledge. Only manuscripts that are reviewed anonymously by two reviewers/scholars in their areas of specialization and adjudged publishable are considered for publication. In which case, manuscripts adjudged otherwise, or those outside the scope of the journal are rejected. The final decision to publish or reject rests with the Executive Editor, based on the reviewers’ report. Authors willing to publish with JODILL are expected to submit manuscripts to the Editorial Board while adhering to the following guidelines:

Abstracts: the length of abstract shall be between 150 and 200 words and shall be indented 1 cm on both sides. The abstract of a paper written in either of the three languages is to be rendered into one of the other two language. The abstract must have a maximum of five (5) key words.

Length of Article: Articles for publication in JODILL shall not exceed twelve (12) pages, including references. Articles with less or more pages may be acceptable depending on the content and quality.

Formatting System: all manuscripts for submission are to be written in MS word format, preferably the latest editions. The font type for manuscripts in French and English is the New Times Romans, while the font size is 10 points for the abstract, and 12 points for the body of the work. As for Arabic, the font type is the Traditional Arabic, while the font size is 16 points for the abstract, and 18 points for the body of the work.

Line spacing: all manuscripts in all the languages of the journal are to be single line spaced.

Paragraphing: the journal adopts the block paragraphing system.

Referencing style: the referencing style for all manuscripts to the journal is either the Modern Language Association (MLA) or the American Psychological Association (APA) (latest editions)

Mode of Submission

Manuscripts for submission should contain a cover page bearing the title, full name of author(s), institutional affiliation(s), email address(es) and phone number(s). It should also contain an abstract of between 150 and 200 words (indented 1cm on both sides), followed by a maximum of five key words arranged alphabetically and separated by semi-colons. Submission of manuscripts for publication should be made via this JODILL’s official e-mail: jodill@kwasu.edu.ng