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Kwara State University

Kaotharat OGANIJA

Department: Animal Production Fisheries and Aquaculture
My Publications
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Phenotypic correlations and Early Prediction of Body Weight from Zoometric Traits in Slow and Fast Growing Chicken Genotypes

A total of 80 chickens were used to determine the correlation between body weight and eight body dimension (Thigh Length TL, Shank Length SL, Body Length BL, Drumstick Length DL, Keel Length KL and Body Girth BG) as well as the predictions of body weight using these body parameters at age 4 and 8 weeks respectively. 40 Black Harco was used as the slow growing breed and 40 Marshall Broilers were used for the fast growing breed of chicken. The analysis was done using the Pearson correlation coefficient software to determine the relationship, the level of significance between and predictions of body weight in fast and slow breeds of chickens at early stage of life using the zoometric body parts. The results showed positive and significant correlations (P<0.01, 0.05) between body weight and the body parts in Harco breed at week 4 and 8, also significant (P<0.01, <0.05) and positive correlations between BW and DL, KL and BG at week 4, also between BW and SL, BL, DL, KL, BG in Marshall at week 8 . The predictions equations showed that all the body parts measured and BW at specific ages can be used to predicts BW at week 4 and 8 in slow and fast growing chickens, but those that can be reliably used are DL and BL in Harco breed with R2 value above 80% and SL WL BL TL and KL in Marshall with R2 value of 0.86 at week 4, while at week 8, BG and TL can be reliably used to predict the BW of Harco with R2 value of 0.74, it was BG, DL and SL with R2 value of 0.87 in the Marshall group. This study showed that zoometric traits are more significantly correlated with BW in slow growing chickens than the fast growing on and five out of seven zoometric body parts measured can be used to predicts the BW in fast growing chickens at weeks 4 and 8.
Total Publications : 7