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Kwara State University

Adesina Wahab

Designation: Lecturer 2
Department: Crop Production
My Publications
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Marketing of Kolanut (Cola nitida) in Sagamu and Ikenne Local Government Areas of Ogun State

Kolanut market is characterized by price fluctuations through space and time in the study areas. This is linked to the large numbers of market intermediaries who act between the primary producers, middle-men, and consumers. The study was carried out in Sagamu and Ikenne Local Government Areas LGAs of Ogun State. Data was collected using a multi-stage sampling technique by randomly selecting one hundred and twenty (120) respondents in the two (2) LGAs of Ogun State. A structured interview schedule was used as an instrument in collecting information on socio-economic characteristics of kolanut marketers; including the cost of pods harvested, processing, packaging, and transportation. The data were analyzed using simple descriptive statistics like means, percentage tabulations, profitability analysis, and gross margin; while the constraints were rated on a 4-point Likert type scale to determine their severity. The gross margins of the kolanut products and their profitability analysis were computed using cost and returns analysis. The results revealed that kolanut marketing in the study areas yielded positive outcomes. The study further revealed that the majority of the marketers are females (57.50) percent while (42.50) percent were males. The modal group of the marketers was 41-50 years with a mean age of 35. The majority of the marketers had primary education (71.67) percent. The average family size of the marketers is six (6) per household while (66) percent were married. (45.83) percent sourced their fund from personal savings. The study recommended an accelerated improvement in scaling up of marketing of kola nut enterprises and its contribution to the Gross Domestic Product and generation of foreign exchange earnings for the country.
Total Publications : 18