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Kwara State University

Adesina Wahab

Designation: Lecturer 2
Department: Crop Production
My Publications
S/N Title Abstract Authors Volume Numbers Publication Type Publication Date Link

Influence of Composted Poultry Manure on Organic Carbon and Selected Soil Properties under Tomato Cultivation

oil quality improvement provides an environment for plant nutrient uptake that impacts the development and yield of crop. Thus, this study evaluated the effect of applied poultry composted organic manure (PCOM) on selected soil physical attributes and soil organic carbon content (SOC) under two tomato (UC82B and -1BESKE) varieties planted in succession. Three rates 0, 10 and 20 t haof compost were applied to two tomato varieties. The experiment was arranged in a 2x3 factorial experiment fitted into a randomized complete block design with three replicates. The soil physical parameters considered were - bulk density, aggregate stability, total porosity and SOC. It was observed that application of PCOM increased SOC, total porosity, aggregate stability and decreased the bulk -1density in the cropped tomato area. The SOC was highest in 10t haof PCOM. -1Application of 10 t hacompost is adequate to improve carbon content and soil physical properties for a fragile soil.
Total Publications : 18