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Kwara State University

James OJO

Designation: Lecturer I
Department: Crop Production
My Publications
S/N Title Abstract Authors Volume Numbers Publication Type Publication Date Link

Comparative Evaluation of Modified Neem Leaf, Wood Ash and Neem Leaf Extracts for Hymenia recurvalis control on Amaranthus spp. in Ibadan Southwest Nigeria

An experiment was conducted in Ibadan, rainforest zone of Nigeria to evaluate the effectiveness of neem leaf, wood ash extracts, modified neem leaf extract and Karate 720EC as pest control in amaranthus. The organic treatment extracts namely: neem leaf extract, wood ash extract applied at 1200ml per hectare and modified neem leaf extract (1: 1 ratio 600ml wood ash+ 600ml neem leaf extract) were compared with Karate 720EC and control treatment (no neem leaf, wood ash extracts nor Karate), replicated four times and arranged in randomized complete block design. The results showed that there were significant differences (P< 0.05) in the insect population, number of damaged leaves, and growth and yield parameters of amaranthus under different treatments compared to the control treatment. The modified neem leaf extract performed better in reduction of damaged leaves, insect population and yield of amaranthus than the sole application of neem leaf and wood ash. Modified neem leaf extract increased the leaf area, plant height and stem diameter of amaranthus by 13%, 3% and 6% respectively compared to the neem leaf (sole) extract. Generally, modified neem leaf extract had the best values of amaranthus growth parameters followed by Karate, neem leaf and wood ash extracts respectively. Modified neem leaf extract decreased significantly the insect population and number of damaged leaves by 42% and 70% respectively compared to the neem leaf extract (sole). When compared to modified neem extract, Karate decreased the number of damaged leaves per....
Total Publications : 18