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ABSTRACT This paper investigated the factors influencing rice production in Lavun Local Government Area of Niger state. The specific objectives of the study were to describe the personal and socio-economic characteristics of the farmers, identify rice production constraints, and determine factors associated with rice production. Purposive and random sampling procedures were used to select 100 1-espondents used for the stud)). Validated and structured interview schedule was used to elicit quantitative data. Frequency counts, percentage distribution, mean and staridard deviation were used to sunzmarize and describe the data collected, while correlation and regression anal-yses were used to make aiialytical deductions. Findings revealed that 92 percent of the rice farmers were male, mean age was 45 years and majority (89%) were married The land o wnership pattern showed that 68 pet-cent obtained their farm through iiiheritance and about 70 percent sourced .finance through personal saving, with no- farmer horrol t ~ing -$-on1 Nigeria Agricultural Co- operative and Rural Developnleiit Bank (N.A. C.R.D. B) The constraints faced by the farmers include lack of capital, problems of input procurement, lack of adequate extension services and drought problem being the major one. While the correlation analysis indicated that signijicant relationships exist between output of rice and all the variables considered in the analysis atp<O.Ol, the regression analysis jidrther showed that only years of formal education, farm size and use 0-f improved/quality seeds signijicantly influenced the output of rice production at p--( 0.05. Thus, in order to boost local rice production and enhance food securitl, in Nigeria, prominence should begiveiz to these three variables. Key words: Rice, production, food security, regression, Niger state. | Farinde ' A.J., l'usuf O.J. and Z.K ~aimanda' | Ife Journal ofAgriculture, Volume 26, | Research article | 2013-06-26 |