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Kwara State University

Kadri Akeem

Designation: Assistant Lecturer
Department: Computer Science
My Publications
S/N Title Abstract Authors Volume Numbers Publication Type Publication Date Link

Fingerprint Based Approach For Examination Clearance in Higher Institution

Biometric techniques have become a prominent option and secured means of authentication capable of sustaining the emerging ubiquitous computing. The process for allowing students to sit for an examination has been through the presentation of medium of identification such as ID cards, library cards, fees clearance cards, photo cards, etc. This method of authenticating a student for an examination has an obvious problem such as presentation of fake clearance card, impersonation and so on. The unethical manner associated with the examination is a grim issue that require the stakeholders in academic area to seek for alternative means of authenticating student for examination because, the manual paper-based clearance process is fundamentally flawed. This paper addressed all the aforementioned shortcomings and revealed the effectiveness of biometric system using fingerprint for examination clearance. The proposed examination clearance system used fingerprint identification. In identification, the system recognizes an individual by comparing his/her biometrics with every record in the database. Keywords— Biometric Recognition, Clearance, Enrollment, Examination, Fingerprint Identification.
Total Publications : 5