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Kwara State University

Stephen Afolabi

Designation: Associate Professor/Lecturer
Department: Education Management
My Publications
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Entrepreneurship Education: A prequisite for curbing insecurity in Nigeria

The failure of Nigerian education system to provide lasting functional education that would eliminate unemployment but inculcate spirit of peace and unity becomes a major concern. Most of the insurgences in Nigeria are youths who are either students or unemployed graduates. The paper unveiled the roles of entrepreneurial education in ensuring sustainable peace and security in Nigeria and how to promote accessibility of all Nigerian students to entrepreneurship education. The practice and theory of entrepreneurship education in Kwara State University and how it would help to eliminate insecurity in Nigeria were examined. The students take certain trade subjects which are meant to make them self- reliance. It was suggested among others that there should be orientation programme that would educate both the parents and all school children to be attract to the course. The government needs to provide adequate funds for every university graduate at the point of graduation as initial capital to start up a business. It was also suggested that other universities in Nigeria should begin entrepreneurial education program in their respective faculties or school of education to complement efforts of Kwara State University in providing adequate teachers of entrepreneurship education for secondary education in Nigeria. Consequently, help in curbing youth restiveness and unemployment in Nigeria Keywords: Access, Entrepreneurship Education Insecurity
Total Publications : 29