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Kwara State University


Designation: Assistant Lecturer
Department: Chemical Geological and Physical Science
My Publications
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Shear Sense Analyses of Basement Complex Rocks in Parts of SW Nigeria

The study area, Oko/Olla is part of Osi sheet 224 southwest and falls within the Basement Complex of South-Western Nigeria. Field and petrological studies revealed that the area is underlain by metamorphic complexes and late intrusives which include: migmatite, granite gneiss, porphyroblastic gneiss, banded gneiss, fine grain granite, diorite with aplite and pegmatite occurring as intrusions. Migmatite is the dominant rock within the study area. The petrogenetic affiliation of the rocks as indicated by the rocks and mineral assemblage represented by plagioclase +alkali feldspar +biotite ±muscovite ±hornblende in the quartzo-feldpartic rocks of the area, are suggestive of amphibolites facies of metamorphism. Kinematic markers which include folds, boudins, σ– and δ–type porphyroclasts, and strike-slip and dip-slip faults were used as shear sense indicators. Detailed analysis of folds revealed asymmetric fold shapes with preponderance of Z– shape folds. The dominant Z–shape drag folds are consistent with the ductile and brittle dextral shear sense indicated by asymmetric boudins and porphyroclasts geometry. Structural analysis from this study indicates that the ductile fabric was overprinted by brittle deformations resulting from the uplift of the area to a low temperature-pressure conditions which is more favorable for brittle deformations. This over printing relationship is suggestive of continued movement of Olla and Oko areas after uplift of the areas during Pan African thermo-tectogenesis. It is therefore concluded on the basis of petrological evidences as well as clear overprinting relationships as revealed by decisive kinematic markers that although there are some sinistral and conflicting shear sense indicators in the area, dominant network of dextral ductile and brittle shear sense in the study area is consistent with the N-S regional structure in the Basement Complex of Nigeria. Keywords Shear sense Deformation Oko/Olla Kinematic indicator Pan African
Total Publications : 5