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Kwara State University

Jimoh Ajadi

Designation: Senior Lecturer
Department: Chemical Geological and Physical Science
My Publications
S/N Title Abstract Authors Volume Numbers Publication Type Publication Date Link

Integrating aeromagnetic and LandsatTM8 data for geologic features of Igbeti schist belt, Southwestern Nigeria: Implication for groundwater exploration

In an attempt to establish the geologic structures in connection with the assessment of groundwater resources within Igbeti crystalline basement complex terrain, Landsat 8 and aeromagnetic data were analysed using various sub-menus of Geographic Information System (GIS) and 2D Fast Fourier transform filters, respectively. Visual and automated models of the landform types and relief, the range of color composition of the Landsat 8 data controlled by the climato-morphogenic processes and alternating positive and negative magnetic anomalies revealed the contrasting lithologic units in the basement rock of the area. Lithologic contacts were developed with a vertical gradient while the linear features decipher the fracture orientation in concordance with a northeast- southwest low gradient trend. The associated groundwater flow direction revealed catchment in the northern, north- western and southern parts of the area and indicated low run off, more infiltration time and better recharge potential for these regions, while zones of high degree indicated otherwise. The hydrology potential for groundwater development in the area should be targeted at geologic deformation.
Total Publications : 22