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Kwara State University

Jimoh Ajadi

Designation: Senior Lecturer
Department: Chemical Geological and Physical Science
My Publications
S/N Title Abstract Authors Volume Numbers Publication Type Publication Date Link

Aeromagnetic and Remote Sensing Evidence for Structural Framework of the middle Niger and Sokoto Basins, Nigeria

High resolution aeromagnetic and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission data from parts of the N-S axis of the western half of Nigeria that covers the Middle Niger and Sokoto Basins provide a coherent picture for the surface expression of the linear and curvilinear features and the topography of the zone. It equally identifies the boundaries of the sedimentary basins with depths up to 950 m, thereby establishing the controlling architectural framework of the two basins. The relationship between observed structural features and lateral continuity of the Anka–Yauri–Iseyin and Kalangai–Zungeru-Ifewara shear zones and their implication on the mineral deposits in the region has been reinforced. The three-dimensional analytic signal applied to the aeromagnetic data unveiled magnetic structures and depths to magnetic basement were estimated using the source parameter imaging technique. The results identified several E-W, NW-SE, NNE-SSW and ENE-WSW trending structural features, two of which correspond to the NNE-SSW trending Anka–Yauri–Iseyin and Kalangai–Zungeru-Ifewara shear zones formed during the Pan-African orogeny. Additionally, we unravel a sedimentary pile, here called Libata-Auna sub-basin, connecting the Middle Niger and Sokoto Basins. The shred of evidence derived from both methods reveal the potential of the faults system through the crystalline and the sedimentary parts of the studied area for future minerals exploration projects.
Total Publications : 22