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Kwara State University

Stephen Afolabi

Designation: Associate Professor/Lecturer
Department: Education Management

Phone: +2348038315408

Email: stephen.afolabi@kwasu.edu.ng

Google Scholar Account: Stephen afolabi

Linkedin Account:

Bio: Afolabi, Stephen Olufemi , PhD is an Associate Professor and the Ag. Head of Department, Educational Management, Kwara State University, Malete. He is married with five children, a member of the National Association of Educational Administration and Planning. He has series of publications that are visible on both Google Scholar and Research gate. He has attended many national and international conferences. He won many awards

Academic Awards/Research Grants: Best Paper Award at the 2nd Chicago International Conference on Education (CICE) held at Sheraton Hotel Tower, Chicago- Illinois, USA between 22 and 23rd May 2014. http://www.chicagoice.org/2014Award and published in Sunday Herald August 10th, 2014. 3 Research Excellence Award An honorary Award in recognition of Research Excellence by Kwara State University, Malete 28th September, 2011 4 Department Prize for been the best student at graduation, University of Ilorin, Nigeria. (1989)

My Resume: here

Course Syllabus : here

Updated on: 2022-08-17

resource utilization, Economics and Finance