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Kwara State University

Samsudeen AZEEZ

Designation: Lecturer II
Department: Chemical Geological and Physical Science

Phone: +2347039027043

Email: samsudeen.azeez@kwasu.edu.ng

Google Scholar Account: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=2hUQrn8AAAAJ

Linkedin Account:

Bio: I am a lecturer in the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry, Kwara State University Malete, Nigeria. I obtained my Bachelor of Science (honors) degree in Applied Chemistry with a Second Class Upper division from Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto, Nigeria in 2000. And Master of Science degree in Chemistry from the University of Ilorin, Nigeria in 2014. I am presently pursuing my Ph.D. degree in Industrial Chemistry at the University of Ilorin, Ilorin Nigeria.

Academic Awards/Research Grants: Research Topic: Isolation, Purification and Characterization of Natural Pigments Produced by Microorganisms and Its Applications in Food Processing. Status on Research Team: Co-researcher Value of the Award: One million eight hundred thousand naira only (N 1,800,000.00) Granting Body: TETFUND/KWASUIBR/CRIT/270921/VOL1/TETF2020/0018 Year of award: 2020

My Resume: here

Course Syllabus : here

Updated on: 2022-07-23

My research interests include but are not limited to materials chemistry, adsorption, environmental analysis, wastewater treatment, and photocatalysis.