In Search of Good Governance in Nigeria: The Islamic Paradigm


  • ʿAbdus-Sami'i Imam Arikewuyo Kwara State University, Malete Author


Governance, Paradigm, Leadership, Democracy, Stewardship


ln 2014, Nigeria lavishly marked her centenary anniversary with fanfare. Notwithstanding the colossal amount spent on it by the Federal Government, there were diverse feelings concerning the historical event. The political class jubilated because at least Nigeria maintained her unity in spite of all odds. To the economists, it was worthless considering the down-turn of the economy and dwindling industrialization. To the blites, the flamboyant ceremony was meaningless because not much infrastructural or technological development was accomplished given the long age of the country; while to the common man it was a sheer waste of fund where poverty rate is outrageous. Apparently, the bane of the low development in Nigeria lies on purportedly bad governance of various administrations in the country over the years. Hence, the purpose of this study is to search for principles of good governance. Findings in the study revealed that there is a wide gap between what obtains of governance in Nigeria compare to the tenets of Islam on stewardship. Therefore, considering Islam as a comprehensive code of conduct and a complete way of life, the paper examines its provisions on governance with a view to exploiting such as paradigm for good governance in Nigeria. Although, several related works are in existence on this subject; it is obvious that the problem of governance in Nigeria is yet to be resolved. Consequently, the unceasing clamour for change in the Nigeria political landscape explains the need for the present study with a view to chart a new course. The study adopts historical and analytical methods. The paper concludes with recommendations that political leaders should see stewardship as a trust and both the leaders and the followers should develop new (Islamic) political orientation and always uphold the rule of law in order to inject sanity into governance.







How to Cite

Arikewuyo, ʿAbdus-Sami'i Imam. 2019. “In Search of Good Governance in Nigeria: The Islamic Paradigm”. KWASU Journal of Religious Studies 3 (1): 1-15.