About the Journal

The Editorial Board of JODILL accepts manuscripts in Arabic, English and French 
languages that are original and have not been published previously or presented for consideration elsewhere. Each manuscript should contain a cover page bearing the title, full name of author(s), institutional affiliation(s), email address(es) and 
phone number(s). It should also contain an abstract of between 150 to 200 words (indented 1cm on each side), followed by a maximum of five key words arranged alphabetically. Papers written in one of the 
three languages shall have their abstracts rendered into either of the other two languages. The length of articles for publication in JODILL should not exceed 12 pages including references, tables, 
photographs, diagrams, and should be typed in Times New Roman, 12 font size for English and French and Traditional Arabic, 18 font size for Arabic. The journal adopts latest editions of both MLA and APA citation and referencing styles. Accepted articles shall be published in both print and online.

Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Translating Polysems in the Noble Qur’an: A Comparative Morpho-Semantic Analysis of 21st Century Translation
Published: 2024-05-20

Full Issue

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